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Latest Projects
In this project, I've programmed a drone to track a face ustilizing OpenCV and Mediapipe, and optimized PID is implemented for smooth movements.
In this project, I've built an AI Trainer to analyze exercise performance and provide recommendations to maximize exercise outcome.
In this project, I've built an application that counts fingers in real-time utilizing 25 different hand lankmarks
In this project, I've built an application that detect and track faces in real-time using light weight model provided by Google.
More Projects
In this project, I've implemented hand tracking technique to adjust computer volume using hand signal
In this project, I've created a hand tracking module which allows us to use it on other projects
In this project, I've utilized a model provided by Google to detect 468 different landmarks on faces
In this project, I've created a pose estimation module which can detect 33 different landmarks within a human body
In this project, I've trained a model that can recognize handwritten numbers using TensorFlow
Roles Image
Categorical Data Analysis
In this project, I've encoded categoical data to find correlation between categorical variables and numeric variables
In this project, I've built a deep learning model which can identify and make prediction on certain objects
In this project, I've analyzed the trading information for India such as the amount of annual import and export between countries
In this project, I've analyzed different acpects of the airbnb listing such as types and prices in different lcoations